February 01, 2024

Should First Aid be a Part of High School Curriculum?

High schoolers are teenagers that long to be treated as adults. However, adulting is more than just staying out till midnight and earning money. You also need to take responsibility for things and life. An ideal way to teach them about health and injuries is by incorporating first aid for high school courses in the syllabus. Taking a CPR course can help them in saving lives when needed. Read more about the benefits of introducing first aid in high school.

What injuries are covered by first aid?

First aid is the immediate medical assistance a person may need upon injury. It is essential to provide direct first aid as it can prevent severe damage to the body. Some injuries that first aid can help include:

  1. Cuts: You could get a cut from glass or any sharp object. When you get a cut, clean it with water and cover it with a bandage.
  2. Bruises: If you have a bruise, apply a cold pack to reduce the swelling and make it feel better.
  3. Burns: You could accidentally touch something hot and get a burn. If it happens, you should run cool water over it for a few minutes. Pat dry the area and then put a clean cloth on it.
  4. Sprains: You could get a sprain if you twist or hurt your ankle or wrist; you should rest it and add ice to help with the swelling.
  5. Nosebleeds: You can tilt your head forward slightly when your nose starts bleeding. Try to pinch your nostrils together and breathe through your mouth until it stops.
  6. Bumps: You could get a bump on your head from falling or hitting something hard. In either case, apply a cold pack or a clean cloth with ice to the bump to make it feel better.
  7. Scrapes: If you fall and scrape your knee or elbow, wash it with soap and water. Next, put on an adhesive bandage to protect it from germs.

Why should high schoolers learn first aid as a part of the course?

There are several reasons why first aid for high school students is a good course option. This course should be incorporated for the following benefits:

  1. Preparedness: Accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. By containing first aid skills, high schoolers are better equipped to handle unexpected situations and provide immediate assistance until professional help arrives.
  2. Life-saving Skills: First aid knowledge can significantly impact critical situations. High schoolers can learn CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), potentially saving lives in cardiac arrest or drowning cases.
  3. Promotes Safety Awareness: First aid training helps raise awareness about safety precautions and risk management. Students become more conscious of potential hazards and learn how to prevent injuries or respond effectively if they occur.
  4. Empowers Individuals: Knowing first aid instills a sense of confidence and empowerment. High schoolers with these skills can take action in emergencies, reduce panic, and reassure those around them.
  5. Promotes Teamwork and Leadership: First aid training often involves learning to work in teams and communicate effectively during emergencies. These skills foster teamwork, collaboration, and leadership qualities among high schoolers.
  6. Life Skills: First aid education goes beyond medical emergencies. It teaches valuable life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and adaptability, applicable in various personal and professional contexts.
  7. Career Opportunities: Proficiency in first aid can open doors to career opportunities in healthcare, emergency services, or community services. It can serve as a foundation for further education and specialization in medical or rescue-related fields.


  1. What first aid is taught in a school curriculum?

First aid in the school curriculum varies based on the state the child studies in. The primary things covered in almost all courses include dealing with cuts and wounds, which is common in school. Children are also taught bandaging a wound and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Details about rescue breaths and choking maneuvers are also a part of the course.

2. Is first aid an individual subject?

While the option to teach first aid individually remains at the school’s discretion, every workplace must have CPR-certified individuals as mandated by OSHA guidelines. You can rely on these certified individuals in times of need.

3. What is the importance of first aid and health education?

First aid is a crucial part of education and helps to build strong, educated individuals. It is essential to know first aid to save your life and that of the people around you. Health education teaches basics about hygiene and cleanliness, allowing you to live a more fruitful life.


Introduction of first aid for high school students helps create a safer environment. You also create a more prepared society by empowering young individuals with essential life-saving skills and knowledge. Take a look at the American CPR Care Association first aid courses. You can learn about the basics of first aid and polish your skills through their online certification courses. The institution also offers continuing education credits for completing a course. Log onto the ACCA website and explore the options.

Author Bio

Garima Raman

Garima Raman is a writer and mother, with a keen interest in the medical field, sparked by her parents, who are both doctors. She is passionate about sharing her experiences as a mother, hoping to inspire other mothers to do the same. She excels in creating stories from everyday life, and her writing style is both descriptive and highly relatable.