February 02, 2024

Are Online CPR Classes Legit?

Type CPR into any search engine and you’ll see a number of results for online CPR training. This brings us to the question – are they legitimate? The answer we feel is a resounding yes. Firstly, when it comes to learning any subject, online training and eLearning are excellent options, and in today’s fast-paced world, it may be quite easy to learn at your own pace and at your own convenience. There are various disciplines that are taught online, ranging from large institutions to adult education programs.

Online CPR Classes

With these classes, you don’t have to leave the comfort of your home or office, you save money, and you can get the certification almost instantly. Personal trainers, coaches, professors, professional nurses, and other healthcare providers can all learn CPR online through courses like these. Arguably, learning online may even be better than real-life classes as they give the same exposure and knowledge for just a fraction of effort needed to attend an actual hands-on class. Moreover, ACCA’s blended programs ensure hands-on sessions of varying degrees of immersion and instruction. With the help of a professional live instructor via video or through actual hands-on sessions with a local instructor, our courses have everything you need to become confident in your CPR knowledge and skill.

Why take online CPR classes?

There are numerous advantages to taking CPR courses online such as:

  • Online classes are more convenient since they allow you to study from the comfort of your own home or workplace.
  • You can learn at your own pace and go back over old material to reinforce what you’ve learned.
  • You can also start and stop at any point during the course and skip around as much as you wish.
  • In addition, students can practice on a mannequin while watching the automated video or a live instructor.
  • You can renew your CPR certification online, regardless of where you obtained your previous certification.
  • If you have previously completed a CPR course, you are eligible to enroll in the online CPR renewal course. The sole prerequisite is that your previous card was issued by an entity that is nationally accredited.

Is learning CPR online frowned upon?

Between online and traditional classes, there is little to distinguish them. This is due to the fact that most online courses still require you to complete hands-on instruction before you can receive certification. When it comes to traditional classroom training, lectures are followed by practical application. Online courses offer the option of finishing the lecture component side effects of primobolan followed by participating in the hands-on training afterwards. However, organizations continue to require in-person CPR demonstrations before you may be certified by accrediting organizations such as the American Heart Association, who also issue and update the national guidelines for all things related to CPR.

Thus, the negative view may stem from the limiting belief that online CPR classes do not offer any real-world experience. We believe the entirety of CPR training is more than just dependent on hands-on training and exposure. There is a vast amount of knowledge involved to perform a skill effectively other than just practice. The massive changes that happen to the constantly evolving guidelines are an indication that CPR will always be a changing discipline.

Is online CPR certification valid?

ACCA’s credentials are valid in all 50 states, are widely recognized and are gaining in popularity all around the world, recognized by the local, state, and federal governments. CPR certification from online course providers is accepted by many employers. For most employers who are not subject to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations, certification with hands-on training is not a mandatory condition for employment.

One of the advantages of taking CPR classes online is the freedom it provides in terms of scheduling and the ability to learn at your own pace. Those with hectic work schedules or those who work 9 to 5 jobs would benefit most from taking CPR classes online. You can listen to the course on your own time, and then take the hands-on training whenever your schedule allows. Even the online curriculum is identical to what we teach in our classrooms.

AED, CPR, rescue breathing, and risk factors are amongst the multiple topics covered in the course. Students also learn to recognize warning signs and symptoms, when to provide assistance, and when to call 911. The Heimlich Maneuver is also demonstrated, in case a foreign body gets stuck in your airway. In today’s educational system, online learning is becoming increasingly important.


Get up-to-date and take the nationally recognized training in CPR and other healthcare tactics with ACCA.

Author Bio


Jane is a seasoned writer with a profound interest in the medical field. Her work is fueled by years of healthcare experience and a commitment to simplifying complex medical topics for a broad audience. With a focus on medical advancements and patient care, Jane's writing bridges the gap between the medical world and the general public.